Requesting pricing from network service providers is easy with Inflect. Here's how it works:

Click 'View pricing' or look for the pricing module on any route details page, data center page, company page, or network.
Select the product type and bandwidth requirements that suit your needs, then click the 'Get pricing' button. You won't need to specify a term length, since you'll see pricing for all terms when the provider responds.
Your request is sent to the channel manager of the company you're requesting pricing from, or to the Inflect team who then handle getting the request on your behalf.
When the provider sends back pricing information (usually within 48 hrs) you'll be able to view and respond within Inflect's messaging experience or via email.
Another benefit of quoting through Inflect is that our team is available to answer any questions and give advice.
What's the catch?
There isn't one! Inflect is an authorized channel partner and can provide quotes from many providers. If you decide to purchase from the provider after requesting a quote, we receive a small commission from the service provider at no cost to you.
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